Serena Williams - o braku iskreno

BGUK_1476268 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA - Serena Willams stars in Super Bowl LIII advert for Bumble app. Bumble skipped the jokes and went for an empowering message to promote its app, which gives women the power to initiate conversations with their matches. The company tapped Serena Williams to star and act as co-creative director in its new campaign, titled The Ball Is In Her Court. In the ad, the tennis champ, 37, is seen dressed in white on a court as she says in a voiceover: "The world tells you to wait, that waiting is polite, and good things will just come." A young girl who looks like a young Williams is shown sitting on the sidelines of a neighborhood tennis court waiting for her chance to play while men face off in a match. "But if I waited to be invited in, I never would have stood out," she continues as footage is shown of a grown-up Williams victorious on the court. "If I waited for change to happen, I never would have made a difference," she says as a group of young female fans come up to her and she poses for a photo with them. "'We're living in a world and society where people are starting to understand we're just as strong and just as smart and just as savvy and just as business-like as any male in this world. And we always have been. Now it's time to really show up and tell our story the way it should be told. So make the first move. Don’t wait to be told your place. Take it. Don’t wait for people to find you," she continues as footage of her designing her fashion line is shown along with a wedding photo of her and husband Alexis Ohanian. Serena then adds: "Find them: in work, in love, in life. And most of all don’t wait to be given power because here is what they won’t tell you: We already have it." The following words then flash on the screen: Women, the ball is in your court. *BACKGRID DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY BACKGRID ARE FOR BACKGRID'S SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CON Pictured: Serena Williams BACKGRID UK 3 FEBRUARY 2019,Image: 411962524, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia

Od nezaboravnog vjenčanja teniske zvijezde prošle su nešto više od tri godine pa je i više nego zanimljivo čuti i njezino iskutvo braka

Serena Williams ovih je dana kroz niz pitanja i odgovora na zanimljivoj platformi Bumble's The Question Game progovorila i o majčinstvu te o braku s Alexisom Ohanianom, suosnivačem Reddita. Od vjenčanja uspješnog i slavnog para prošle su nešto više od tri godine, a sjećanja na preivnu ceremoniju i proslavu održane u New Orleansu su i dalje živa.

"Brak nije blaženstvo. Ali može biti ako se potrudite ", bio je odgovor na pitanje o tome što je naučila nakon ulaska u brak, te dodala: "Za mene je prijestup odanost, ako je nema."

A na pitanje o osjećaju slomljenog srca tenisačica je iskreno odgovorila: "Slomljeno srce je dio života, bilo da je zbog voljenih, dečka ili životinje. Ali vrijeme liječi rane."

Tenisačica inače aktivno dijeli trenutke iz obiteljskog života na društvenim mrežama, posebno trenutke s trogodišnjom kćerkicom Alexis Olympia s kojom je nedavno odarila i kampanju za Stuarta Weitzmana.

Tekst M.R.

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