"Dobri kutovi, loši kutovi, dobra osvjetljenja, loša rasvjeta, visoke stisnute hlače, filteri... Toliko se toga treba poklopiti kako biste dobili savršenu fotografiju. Pregledavam desetke fotografija kako bih dobila onu jednu s kojom sam zadovoljna. Većina mojih dobrih fotografija je "izmišljena". Zato objavljujem i onu manje atraktivnu, kako ne biste pomislili da uvijek ovako izgledam", objavila je fitness trenerica Anna Victoria ispod fotografije na Instagramu na kojoj se vidi njezino tijelo i trbuh u dvije varijante. Na lijevoj strani fotografije, trbuh je savršeno ravan, dok je na desnoj strani "stvaran". Njezin posao je da bude u dobroj formi, pa Anna doista odlično izgleda, no to što se kroz društvene mreže svi žele prikazati idealnima, Anna smatra nerealnim i pogubnim za samopouzdanje stvarnih žena. Naime, ona koja je redovito u treningu, ne može se baš uvijek pohvaliti najboljim izdanjem. Osim toga, žene koriste na desetke različitih "alata" i filtera kako bi u javnosti pokazali najbolju verziju sebe. "Poruka mojih fotografija nije da je jedna strana bolja od druge, već da su obje strane prekrasne te da niti jedna ne bi trebala imati utjecaj na vaše samopoštovanje", napisala je ova fitness trenerica. Inače, dr. Anukka Lindell sa sveučilišta u Melbourneu nedavno je objavila rezultate svojeg istraživanja kojem će bio cilj otkriti što je ključno za dobar selfie. Proučavala je 100 muških i 100 ženskih korisnika Instagrama te došla do zaključka kako su najbolji selfieji oni na kojima je lijevi profil u prvom planu. Takva poza naglašava jagodice i čini vas tanjima, a osobe u toj pozi drugi intuitivno doživljavaju kao emocionalno toplije i otvorenije.  

Good angles, bad angles, good lighting, bad lighting, high waisted pants, NOT high waisted pants, morning abs, post-dinner bloat, snap filters, #nofilter... what else am I missing? Surely, there's so much more. So much more that goes into getting "the" perfect photo. Guys, I take dozens of photo before getting the one I like. I look for good lighting, I pose, I loooove high waisted pants and ya, they also lift my booty and make my waist look smaller than it is. I don't think that's a bad thing, but the fact is that so much of what you see is contrived. My photos are contrived. But I will also share these photos on the right because I don't want you to think I'm only ever like on the left. We can love getting done up and posing and finding the best photos we took, but that doesn't mean the less done up versions of ourselves is any less beautiful. If you want to go get "the" perfect photo of you, go for it girl 🙌 just be sure you're not letting that be the standard of your beauty or reason not to love YOU as much as you deserve to. (Which is A LOT) 💕 #fbggirls www.annavictoria.com/guides

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Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don't change your worth ❤️ I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn't see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I'm getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren't going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal "flaws"? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it's happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it 💗💗💗 If you're following my page, you're a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement - thank you. #fbggirls www.annavictoria.com/guides

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2 Second Transformations 😍 from several of my amazing FBG girls! Swipe right! 👋 The message of this is not that one side is better than the other, it's that both sides are beautiful and neither one nor the other should carry more weight and determine your self-worth. There's nothing wrong with taking posed photos and loving them, loving the way high waisted pants give you more curves or suck you all in, there's nothing wrong with being ecstatic over a good photo and wanting to share it all over the place. The only problem is if you get such a high from those moments/photos that you don't accept you for YOU. The un-done, real life, perfectly imperfect you. These photos aren't revealing "flaws", they're a statement that "flaws" don't define you. They only have as much power as you give them and these photos are the first step to ridding yourself of that negative self-talk and impossible standards we have created for ourselves. Thank you to all the FBG girls who shared their 2 Second Transformation photos. Just another reason I'm so proud and obsessed with this community!! 😂😍 The impact you are having on women (and men) of all ages, from all over the world is changing lives for the better. And this is just the beginning. 💗 #fbggirls #fbgcommunity www.annavictoria.com/guides

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Autor: D. P. Fotografije: društvene mreže